


This image was something that I constantly referenced when making color choices. I liked the vintage, bright color palette that it utilized. It was warm yet soft all at once.

The two websites I linked above also really helped with their tutorials and tips. I’ve realized that it’s not possible for me to actually make the paper figures that I was going to make because of the time crunch that I’m on. I’m also too broke [can also be read as cheap] to go out and buy all of the supplies that I would need to make everything. So I’m going to use Photoshop and Illustrator to mimic the qualities of an actual paper illustration.



Handmade paper textures.
recycled paper.jpg
Recycled paper textures.

These are the paper textures that I used for my project. They can be found on the Every Tuesday Blog that I have linked up above. You can also click on the images to be taken to the page for a free download.